Benstonium’s Skyfall Trailer Gets It Right

Thanks to my bud Benson for sending this over. I needed this.

After the Steelers dropped to 2-3 I was pretty frustrated with both the team and the fans’ response to just unecessary losses. And despite the state of the team, I still remain as optimistic as ever. And Benson recognizes that there’s still a lot of football to be played, and much of any potential future success in 2012-13 will hinge on Ben Roethlisberger.

Much of the criticism on Ben in his career is that he always had a defense and running game to back him up and cover for his mistakes. This season, he’s been about the only stable aspect of the team, Heath Miller excluded. So why not give him his own James Bond franchise, Ben isn’t willing to give up on the season, and may end up murdering a bunch of evil villains. Or lead his team to actual football victories, I got a little mixed up in there.

Here we go.

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